Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Google and their awesomeness...

This is a "wannabe" post and I really am only doing this because I'm so excited about what Google is doing these days.  

Soon Google will be the staple in technology across the, desktop, and internet.  They have this image in their heads that far surpasses anything that MS or Mac has thought about, and now both of those companies are playing catch-up because they didn't build it right the first time.  That's right, I'm talking about interoperability.  

Just a for-instance...Google Calendar can sync up with my phone, web, and work computer.  It will notify me immediately via email, pop-up message, and SMS message if there have been any changes, additions, or new invites to my calendar.

Between Gmail, Android, and Gcalendar they will have this "web" of technology that MS isn't even close to yet.  Sure active-sync is nice and OWA is cool...but those are "heavy" and slow!  Sure Mac has MobileMe...but they charge for it...what!?!?!?  Notice I'm only talking about software at this point...I haven't even begun to talk about how Google is marketting for the average person and green-hardware.  I haven't even scratched the surface about their broadband network that they geniusly bidded up to the threshold so the FCC would manage it.  And I haven't even hinted at the fact that their colaboration with the OHA will rock the mobile market.

I'm done talking about how awesome Google's time for me to get back to work.


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